How to Use BTTB 7 Color Blend Tools for Creator

Welcome to the BTTB 7 Skin Converter Guide

Hello evryone! It's BANK42n here and today we will talk about BTTB 7's texture system and how to make other skins from other creator work with BTTB7.

First off, why?

BTTB penises have different UVmap from orignal Wickedwhim's penises, which I decide to make it this way I could utilize more UV space in the game result in better texture quality at the same texture resolution.

BTTB 7 vs Wickedwhim UVmap Comparison
BTTB 7 vs Wickedwhim UVmap Comparison, Thanks to mauvemorn for UVmap template

So, these are the steps to convert your skin to support BTTB 7.


Step 1: Determine the Original Skin Type and Decide on the Conversion Method

Step 2: Create a Project Folder

Create a new folder and copy one of the .blend files into it. Also, copy your skin's .package file into this folder.

Skin Mask Example: Full Skin vs. Masked
Skin Mask Example: Full Skin vs Masked. In this example, we will use the full skin method since we want to replace the original skin. Thanks to thisisthem for the skin mask example

Step 3: Extract Skin Files

  1. Open your copied skin's .package file with Sims 4 Studio.
  2. Navigate to Tools > Studio > Export All.
  3. A new folder named "yourskinResources" will be created.
Export all files using Sims 4 Studio
Export all files using Sims 4 Studio.

Step 4: Run the Converter

  1. Double-click the copied .blend file to open it in Blender.
  2. If prompted, allow the script to execute by clicking "Allow" or "OK".
  3. Blender may freeze during the conversion process. Wait for it to finish.
Run Converter tools (.blend file) and wait until it finishes
Run Converter tools (.blend file) and wait until it finishes.

Step 5: Import Converted Skin Back into Your Package File

  1. Open your copied skin's .package file with Sims 4 Studio.
  2. Navigate to Tools > Studio > Import All.
Import converted files back to .package file using Sims 4 Studio.
Import converted files back to .package file using Sims 4 Studio.

You're Done!

Your Alpha male skin should now be converted to support BTTB 7. If you encounter any issues, feel free to ask for help.